The United States Supreme Court has officially requested that the Department of Justice file a response to the AARC’s “Hitler plot” lawsuit. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has waived its right to file a brief opposing the AARC’s petition. Now at least one member of the Supreme Court has requested that the Solicitor General, acting […]
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BY SARAH MORENOJUNE 19, 2025 01:58 PM , UPDATED JUNE 19, 2025 04:53 PM Antonio Veciana, a Cuban anti-Castro fighter in the early 1960s who helped found the militant group Alpha 66, died Thursday in an assisted-care facility in Miami. He was 91. His daughter, former Miami Herald writer Ana Veciana-Suarez, said he […]

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Case no. 19-1273, Assassination Archives and Research Center v. CIA On June 8, 2025 the Solicitor General of the United States, Noel J. Francisco, filed a waiver of response in AARC’s petition to the United States Supreme Court seeking documents related to new information related to the assassination of President Kennedy. AARC seeks documents related […]

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The AARC is proud to announce the creation of a new resource for those who are new to the study of America's political assassinations.
We begin a series of new posts by AARC Board members and associates designed to provide a basic introduction to essential books and learning materials associated with the continuing investigation of President Kennedy's assassination.
Learn More Here
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Offered for your consideration, bits and pieces: note cards containing interesting observations and intriguing facts presented by leading authorities, researchers, and historians, courtesy of the Assassination Archives and Research Center.
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The AARC has partnered with the Mary Ferrell Foundation, supplying nearly a million pages of AARC records for browsing and searching via the MFF website. These records include massive CIA and FBI documents received as settlement for a lawsuit brought by Mark Allen, as well as other document collections on the John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy assassinations.
The Assassination Archives and Research Center was founded in 1984 to provide a permanent organization which would acquire, preserve, and disseminate information on political assassinations. The AARC is devoted to reaching the widest possible audience with this new information.
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The United States Supreme Court has officially requested that the Department of Justice file a response to the AARC's "Hitler plot" lawsuit. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has waived its right to file a brief opposing the AARC's … [Read More...]
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The Mary Ferrell Foundation announces the launch of an invaluable new research tool: The JFK Database Explorer. This is a new tool to aid researchers delving into the large body of JFK assassination-related documents known as the "JFK Collection", a substantial portion of which is viewable on this website.
The JFK Database Explorer, utilizing a copy of the National Archives' database of metadata known as "RIF sheets", allows for browsing, searching, and filtering of the entire set of records processed under the JFK Records Act.
JFK Database Explorer
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The Assassination Archives and Research Center is the largest private archives in the world which is dedicated to acquiring, preserving, and disseminating information on political assassinations.